Scurry CAD
Property Search


Scurry CAD Property Search

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Information provided for research purposes only. Legal descriptions and acreage amounts are for Appraisal District use only and should be verified prior to using for legal purpose and or documents. Please contact the Appraisal District to verify all information for accuracy.

When searching by an owner’s first and last name, please try both “Smith, John” and “Smith John”. Using the comma between last name and first name should bring up the account. However, there are some mineral accounts in which a comma is not used. If you are unable to find your account, please contact us at 325-573-8549. We are working to improve the process. Thank you for your patience.

Helpful Hints

Know what you are looking for? Find results quickly by selecting the Owner, Address, ID or Advanced search tabs above.
Seeing too many results? Try using the Advanced Search above and add more info to narrow the field.
Having trouble searching by Address? Use a more simple search like just the street name.
Having trouble searching by Name? Use just the first or last name alone.
Looking for something else? Click Here for our Help page

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